About RubberBond FleeceBack EPDM
RubberBond FleeceBack EPDM is a flat roofing membrane that stands out from the rest due to its unique design and all round performance. The membrane itself is constructed in two parts, a 3.05 metre wide sheet of perfect 1.2mm EPDM bonded to a polyester reinforcing layer using patented methods to give an un-paralleled single ply waterproofing system.
Being a single ply membrane RubberBond FleeceBack can be fully adhered to virtually all substrates under the right circumstances and can cover a wide variety of applications and projects from porch roofs and domestic extensions to commercial large scale buildings. Dark grey in colour RubberBond is perfectly designed for projects in the Northern Hemisphere due to its ability to absorb and retain heat in buildings with our cooler climate, this being said it is also available in the Southern Hemisphere as a white membrane to reflect heat and keep buildings cooler in warmer climates.
Why Should I Use RubberBond EPDM?
Enviromentally friendly in production and application. (when compared to other systems)
Tough enough to walk on
No need for naked flames
Proven lifespan in excess of 50 years
Superior resistance to extreme heat and fire
Can accomodate future alterations
Will NOT split tear or crack
Fitted by ONLY trained, approved and regulated professionals.
Unique 3.05m wide rolls are quicker to install, leaving less distruption to your home or business